
Kelsey Gaitan, OMT


Kelsey received her Bachelor's degree in Dental Hygiene from Utah College of Dental Hygiene in 2014 and post graduate training in Myofunctional Therapy through Airway Health Solutions. Kelsey’s journey to airway health started in late 2020 when her daughter was born with tethered oral tissues. Kelsey then realized she had many symptoms related to oromyofacial disorders.

Her journey lead her to many doctor's visits with no medical reasons or solutions for her pain. This started to take a toll on her mental health. It wasn’t until she turned to a more holistic approach that lead to pain relief. After extensive research, she was introduced to Myofunctional Therapy.  

Myofunctional Therapy changed her life when she thought there was no hope for her constant pain. Through Kelsey’s education and experiences, she’s passionate to share this growing practice with others in the hope that they to live a pain-free lifestyle.