MyoAir Services
MyoAir provides patient-centered treatment plans to optimize the function of orofacial muscles.
Our individualized programs provide exercises and behavior modification techniques to help stabilize orthodontic, surgical, and dental results. We incorporate unique modalities to assist in establishing optimal breathing patterns and proper oral rest posture.

Free 15 minute phone consultations to help answer your questions and concerns. Call now 516.308.1623 |
Comprehensive Exam We provide a full comprehensive myofunctional evaluation to assess any dysfunction, assess the causes of the dysfunction, and then determine a collaborative plan of action for best treatment results. |
Habit Cessation Programs Designed to help eliminate sucking, chewing, biting, and other non-nutritive habits that can affect your child's health and development. |
Full and Mini Myofunctional Therapy Programs Each of our programs is specifically designed to your needs with our 4 main Myofunctional therapy goals in mind. They are proper nasal breathing all day and every day, correct tongue resting posture all day and every day ( unless we are speaking or eating), a competent lip seal all day and every day, and finally proper suctioning and swallowing all day and every day. |
Pre and Post-op Frenectomy Programs These programs are designed to help get the tissue prepared for your procedure and to maximize healing and range of motion once the procedure is completed. This includes 2 visits focused on active wound management care Post-op procedure as well. |
It is amazing what can be achieved when the orofacial muscles are working in harmony!
Our programs are used to improve:
- Improper breathing patterns
- Tongue Thrust
- Incorrect or low tongue rest posture
- Swallowing, and Chewing disorders
- Thumb-sucking, finger sucking, nail-biting
- Pre and Post-Surgical Lingual and Labial Frenectomy Therapy

Problems (past or present) that may be associated with
Incorrect Oral Muscle Patterns:

- Tongue-tie/Lip Tie
- Tongue Thrust
- Snoring
- History of orthodontics
- Frequent congestion
- Asthma
- Anxiety
- Speech Problems
- Periodontal Disease
- Forward Head and Neck Posture
- High Narrow Palate
- Oral tissue irritation
- Lack of Lip seal (mouth breathing) may lead to occlusal dysfunction
- Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)
- Low, forward tongue rest may be linked to orthodontic relapse, psychological, cosmetic, and structural issues
- Inability to masticate food properly, open-mouth chewing
- Incorrect swallowing may be linked to GERD
- Grinding and Clenching, Temporal Mandibular Disorders (jaw pain)
- Noxious Oral Habits (thumb/finger sucking, nail-biting, prolonged pacifier)
*Orofacial myofunctional therapy does not cure any of these medical conditions. However, it does treat improper oral rest posture which can lead to any of these symptoms.*