
I have been working with Joann for the last 4 months.  I was suffering from sleep apnea and unable to use the CPAP or wear my appliance.  I never realized how much my tongue and it's position had to do with everything.  Joann was really patient and very knowledgable. I can honestly say I havent slept this well in a very long time and I feel like my overall health has greatly improved!  I would recommend her highly. Thank you Joann!


Lindenhurst, NY

Joann is wonderful. She is very patient, extremely knowledgeable, and has been genuinely supportive to help me through my journey. After only a couple of months, I am already seeing significant improvement in my tongue placement and breathing. Her sessions are not only very helpful towards the improvement of my health, but she carefully explains why we are doing each exercise so I can understand the underlying future benefits. She is very motivational and positive and I look forward to each visit.

Cathy Widmark

Cathy Widmark
Mastic, NY

Changing Smiles

Thank you so much you change my little boy smile and life you will be forever part of our history. We’ll  keep practicing to make you proud. Thank you thank you 

Rose Testimonial

Rose, Massapequa, NY

 “I have had a pleasure to collaborate patient care with Brittny for multiple patients requiring Myofunctional Therapy and/or Frenectomy. Brittny is extremely knowledgeable, professional and delivers highest results to her patients. I would recommend her services to everyone looking to improve the function the Orofacial muscles.”

Dr. Yuri May, DMD

Dr. Yuri May, DMD

Brittny was great! She was very knowledgeable and helpful when it came to learning about the importance of tongue exercises. I quickly began noticing the tension in my jaw going away. Also, my sleep patterns changed- I was breathing better and drooling less at night. Brittny was encouraging in between sessions and provided videos for additional support.


Bethany, CT

My family is so grateful for Joann! She has changed our lives forever and is truly an amazing therapist and person!  She is so special in every way and we can't say enough positive things about Joann and our experience with her.  My son Lucas, who was 4 years old when we started the myo program, just fell in love with Joann right away.  She is funny, positive, compassionate, kind, intelligent, caring, organized, and makes therapy fun and manageable! We did a mini myo program where we did half of the program while he was in oral appliance to grow his mouth.  Then we finished the second part of the program once he was finished expanding his mouth with his oral appliance.  Joanne’s communication with us was superb and her exercise program was very doable and easy to follow. We are now finished with the program and in maintenance mode!  My son has made tremendous progress with all of his exercises with Joann. He is now able to keep his lips together, tongue to spot, and breath through his nose where he was 100% a mouth breather.  I can also tell that his tone in his mouth is so much stronger than when we first started.  It's so amazing to see how myofunctional therapy has tremendously improved my son's life with learning how to breath and swallow the correct way. Thank you again Joann for everything that you did for my family and everything that you continue to do with other families! Very grateful and blessed that you were part of our airway journey and team!      

Changed our lives forever

~ Kasey, Connecticut

Exceptional Care and Expertise at MyoAir:
A Surgeon’s Highest Praise

As a surgeon and clinical researcher specializing in tongue ties/tethered oral tissues over the past 24 years I have come to work very closely with Joann and the team at MyoAir. I can only give Joann,  Brittny  and the rest of the team at MyoAir my highest praise for the professionalism and quality of care that each and every patient and family receives. 

Joann’s calming demeanor, experience and wealth of scientific knowledge regarding oromyofunctional disorders and pre/post ankyloglossia surgery is unrivaled. This also goes for the rest of the team at MyoAir who I work closely with. Keep up the outstanding work!

Scott A. Siegel

Scott A. Siegel, MD, DDS, FACS, FICS, FAAP
Diplomate, American Board of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 
Diplomate, American Board of Laser Surgery