It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men.

~ Frederick Douglass

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I have been working with Joann for the last 4 months.  I was suffering from sleep apnea and unable to use the CPAP or wear my appliance.  I never realized how much my tongue and it's position had to do with everything.  Joann was really patient and very knowledgable. I can honestly say I havent slept this well in a very long time and I feel like my overall health has greatly improved!  I would recommend her highly. Thank you Joann!


Lindenhurst, NY

Joann is wonderful. She is very patient, extremely knowledgeable, and has been genuinely supportive to help me through my journey. After only a couple of months, I am already seeing significant improvement in my tongue placement and breathing. Her sessions are not only very helpful towards the improvement of my health, but she carefully explains why we are doing each exercise so I can understand the underlying future benefits. She is very motivational and positive and I look forward to each visit.

Cathy Widmark

Cathy Widmark
Mastic, NY

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Articles & News

By: Academy of General Dentistry

Mouth breathing can cause major health problems

For some, the phrase "spring is in the air" is quite literal. When the winter snow melts and flowers bloom, pollen and other materials can wreak havoc on those suffering from seasonal allergies, usually causing a habit called "mouth breathing." The physical, medical and social problems associated with mouth breathing are not recognized by most health care professionals, according to a new study.... read more



By: Dr. Mike Mew

Dr. Mike Mew's Ultimate Mewing Guide | BEGINNER - YouTube

Dr. Mike Mew teaches us all about Mewing.... read more



By: Root Remedies Podcast

Gum Disease = Systemic Disease | Dr. Claire Stagg pt. 1 | Radical Responsiblity - YouTube

Please enjoy part one of my lovely conversation with @healthconnectionsdentistry4891 where we talk all things oral health and our responsibility to our kids ...... read more



Airway is everything.
What is orofacial myofunctional therapy?

Watch The MyoAir Q&A