Causes and treatment options for waking up tired

Most people wake up tired every now and then. Occasionally waking up tired is not usually a cause for concern.

However, frequently waking up tired can be a symptom of an underlying sleep habit or health condition. This may be especially likely if a person continues to feel tired throughout the day.
This article lists some of the most common reasons for waking up tired. It also outlines some treatments and home remedies that may help alleviate the issue.


There are several possible causes of tiredness upon waking. The following sections will outline some of these.

Sleep inertia

The term sleep inertia refers to the normal cognitive and sensory-motor impairments that occur immediately after waking. Sleep inertia occurs when a person wakes suddenly from deep, or slow-wave, sleep. As a result, certain parts of their brain are not fully awake. The brain stem, which controls basic functions, activates immediately after waking. The prefrontal cortex, which is involved in decision making and self-control, can take up to 30 minutes to catch up.

Some symptoms of sleep inertia include:
  • drowsiness or disorientation
  • difficulty concentrating
  • poor decision making
  • difficulty performing fine motor tasks

Poor sleep hygiene practices

The National Sleep Foundation define sleep hygiene as a range of “practices and habits that are necessary to have good nighttime sleep quality and full daytime alertness.”
Poor sleep hygiene can lead to poor quality sleep. Some examples of poor sleep hygiene practices include:
  • not having a regular bedtime routine, which includes regular sleep and wake times
  • taking daytime naps that exceed 30 minutes
  • looking at phone or computer screens within 2 hours of going to bed
  • having a sleeping environment that is too hot, too bright, or too loud
  • having an uncomfortable mattress or pillow

Unhelpful lifestyle and dietary factors

Aside from poor sleep hygiene, several lifestyle and dietary factors can cause a person to wake up tired. These include:
  • Not getting enough exercise: Getting regular daily exercise can promote a restful night’s sleep. However, people should avoid strenuous exercise close to bedtime, as this increases alertness and can delay sleep.
  • Getting inadequate exposure to natural light: People who do not go outside during the day may lack exposure to natural sunlight. Sun exposure helps regulate a person’s internal body clock.
  • Experiencing excessive nighttime urination, or nocturia: Waking throughout the night to go to the bathroom can cause people to wake up tired in the morning. In some cases, nocturia may indicate an underlying health condition. In other cases, it may simply be a sign that a person is consuming too many liquids before bedtime.
  • Consuming foods that disrupt sleep: Eating rich, fatty, or spicy foods close to bedtime can cause digestive issues for some people. These issues may affect both the quantity and quality of a person’s sleep.
  • Having caffeine before bed: Caffeine is a drug that stimulates a person’s central nervous system. Those who eat chocolate or drink caffeinated drinks close to bedtime may therefore have difficulty falling asleep.
  • Drinking alcohol before bedtime: Alcohol is a sedative drug that can cause a person to fall asleep more quickly. However, it also stops a person entering rapid eye movement sleep, resulting in poor sleep quality.

Sleep disorders

Some people find that they continue to wake up tired despite addressing poor sleep practices and unhelpful lifestyle factors. This could indicate an underlying sleep disorder.
Those who suspect that they may have a sleep disorder should see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.
The sections below outline some common sleep disorders.
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes periodic pauses in breathing during sleep.
Some potential signs and symptoms of sleep apnea include:
  • snoring
  • gasping for air during sleep
  • waking with a dry mouth
  • experiencing headaches in the morning
  • feeling tired after a full night’s sleep
Individuals who think that they may have sleep apnea should see their doctor. Medical treatment can help prevent heart problems and other potential complications of the condition.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which a person has difficulty falling or staying asleep. People who have insomnia may experience:
  • waking constantly throughout the night
  • waking too early and having difficulty going back to sleep
  • tiredness upon waking
  • daytime irritability
  • depressed mood
  • low energy levels

Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is a sleep movement disorder characterized by an uncontrollable urge to move the legs. This urge is typically due to uncomfortable crawling or creeping sensations in the feet, calves, or thighs.

Periodic limb movements disorder

Periodic limb movements disorder (PLMD) occurs when a person periodically and involuntarily moves their limbs during sleep.
PLMD mainly affects the lower limbs, causing muscle twitches, jerking movements, or upward flexing of the feet. These repetitive limb movements occur around every 20–40 seconds.
PLMD disrupts sleep and leads to morning tiredness that may persist throughout the day.


Bruxism is the medical term for grinding or clenching the teeth during sleep. It is a type of sleep-related movement disorder.
If bruxism is severe, a person may experience one or more of the following symptoms:
  • headaches
  • tooth damage
  • jaw disorders
Mild cases of bruxism may not cause any noticeable symptoms besides morning tiredness.
Read the full article: Medical News Today

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