
Joann Amoroso, OMT MAS™ QOM®

CEO, Partner
Joann Amoroso, RDH, OMT, MAS™, QOM®

Co-founder of MyoAir, Inc. | Pioneering Expert in Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

From the bustling corridors of New York City's elite dental clinics to the serene treatment rooms of Long Island, Joann Amoroso's journey has been one of both geographical transition and deepening professional evolution. Amid the glitz of NYC, Joann began her dental odyssey, often tending to luminaries from the arts and corporate world. Her hands, honed with precision and care, became sought after for their expert touch.

Yet, it wasn't just the skill of her hands that set Joann apart, but the curiosity of her mind. She noticed patterns, correlations between dental health and broader physiological conditions, particularly those associated with Sleep Disorder Breathing. Drawn to understand these deeper connections, she ventured into a pivotal role as the Clinical Sleep Director at Chase Dental Sleep Care. Here, Joann wasn't just practicing; she was innovating, pioneering in her contributions towards the evolution of Oral Appliance Therapy. She identified and addressed the silent challenges of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, changing countless lives in the process.

This was but a prelude to her next chapter: Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Joann recognized its transformative potential and was driven to immerse herself fully. It was a realm that married the meticulousness of dental care with the profound understanding of muscular and neural interplays. In January 2021, with the shared vision of her colleague Brittny Sciarra-Murphy, Joann co-founded MyoAir, Inc. Their enterprise wasn't just a clinical endeavor but a sanctum for holistic therapeutic approaches.

To Joann, every patient is a universe of stories, challenges, hopes, and dreams. Each treatment plan she crafts is tailored, not just to a set of symptoms, but to a unique individual narrative. Her unwavering commitment to continuous education and research is evident. Joann consistently delves into new studies, techniques, and the latest in oral appliance technology to further advance her patients' health and wellness. Additionally, her memberships in esteemed organizations like IAOM, IAAH, AAPMD, AAOSH, and Airway Circle underline her dedication to remaining at the forefront of her profession, constantly enhancing her knowledge and skills.

In the tapestry of Joann Amoroso's career, every thread – be it her hands-on treatments, her academic pursuits, or her entrepreneurial ventures – weaves into a larger narrative: a relentless pursuit of enriching and enhancing the life quality of every individual she encounters. Through every breath restored and every smile rejuvenated, Joann's legacy in the world of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy continues to flourish.