By: Dr Audrey Yoon
Video Abstract of Audrey Yoon et al. "Impact of rapid palatal expansion on the size of adenoids and tonsils in children." Sleep Medicine (2022). doi: 10.1016...... read more
By: K Sadasivam 1, K Patial, V K Vijayan, K Ravi
Oral NAC administration appears to have a therapeutic potential in the treatment of OSAS. It is proposed that long-term treatment with NAC in patients with OSAS may reduce their dependency on continuous positive airway pressure therapy.... read more
By: Richard Baxter DDS
New parents are tasked with figuring out how to care for their new baby with no user manual (well, there are books and Dr. Google, at least). Still, one of the most frustrating aspects of the infant stage is when babies cry for no apparent reason, wake up crying or screaming, or can’t seem to stop crying.... read more
By: Jessica D'Argenio Waller, MS, CNS, LDN
In This Article Benefits of breastfeeding longer than 2 years Breastfeeding mothers need more support New 2022 AAP breastfeeding recommendations How to self-advocate for longer breastfeeding ... read more
By: Brittny Sciarra, RDH, BS, MAS™, COM® and Karese Laguerre, CRDH, MAS™
Conducting myofunctional therapy training for dental staff using the screening tool ‘BROOM', provides details about your patient's health. Before your...... read more
From daily tooth-brushing to the 11am coffee, we all have dozens of habits that get us through our daily routine. Some are great - weekly gym visits are often encouraged - others not so much, like smoking a pack a day, or dialling the number of the pizza place way too often.... read more
By: Alexandra Benisek
Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that happens when your breathing stops and starts while you slumber. If it goes untreated, it can cause loud snoring, daytime tiredness, or more serious problems like heart trouble or high blood pressure.... read more
By: Richard Baxter DMD
Most mothers experience the “baby blues,” which affect around 70-80% of new mothers for around a few weeks and then resolve.... read more
By: Nicole Archambault Besson, EdS, MS, CCC-SLP
The search for the cause of a preschooler’s difficult behavior leads to a surprising discovery.... read more
By: Nehal Aggarwal
This is the first update to the guidelines since 2005.... read more
By: Alyssa Hill
Palate expanders widen narrow palates in children. They are used to prevent future orthodontic issues.... read more
By: Richard Baxter, Lauren Hughes
Ankyloglossia, commonly referred to as “tongue-tie,” has recently seen a surge in cases and awareness with a corresponding increase in diagnosis and treatment. The evidence linking tongue-tie release and breastfeeding improvement has been published previously. However, due to a lack of published evidence for children, many medical professionals still believe that a restricted tongue does not contribute to feeding or speech issues in older children.... read more
By: The Strategist Editors
Whether you’re fighting off a cold, the flu, or seasonal allergies, a sinus-rinse kit or neti pot — water-powered tools to help clear sinus congestion — can help.... read more
By: Kimberly Holland
A stuffy nose, or nasal congestion, can be frustrating and often affect your day-to-day life.... read more
By: admin
Jennifer Aniston has partnered with Idorsia U.S., an affiliate of Idorsia, a Switzerland-based biopharmaceutical company.... read more